KCVLAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt organization pursuant to IRS regulation. Our federal tax identification number is 20-1051179. KCVLAA retains exclusive legal control over your donation and acknowledges that no goods or services were provided in exchange for your donation.
Sponsorship Benefits:
- Patron – Your Large Logo on:
- the KCVLAA promotional e-mails,
- the KCVLAA website, and
- the KCVLAA printed ArtSmarts sign-in sheets and promotional materials
- Benefactor – Your Medium Logo on:
- the KCVLAA promotional E-mail and
- the KCVLAA website.
- Sustainer – Your Small Logo on:
- the KCVLAA website
- Supporter – Text recognition on:
- the KCVLAA website
*Different Sponsorship Levels and Benefits can be mutually agreed upon by contacting the Kansas City Volunteer Lawyers & Accountants for the Arts.